HackTheBox Console Write-Up
Console is a medium difficulty web challenge where we will install a php-console browser extension, review the related source code and use what we learn to perform an offline dictionary attack on a salted hash to obtain authentication for server-side control.
December 5, 2021
Getting Started
After launching the challenge instance we are instructed to connect to Since the challenge description hint is Could you please check the console of your Chrome?, we will connect to this address in a Chromium browser, because I refuse to use actual Chrome ;-). Once we connect we are greeted with a standard looking phpinfo() page.
Everything seems pretty standard except the line instructing us to load php-console in order to be prompted for a password.
I had no idea what this is, and had to do a bit of web searching to find two related github repositories; a server library, php-console, and a Chrome browser extension, php-console-extension. The browser extension is no longer available in the Chrome store, so we have to manually download the source zip from github, unpack it, and load the extension into Chromium.
Once loaded we revisit the page and use the new PHP Console browser extension.
We are then prompted to enter a password to authenticate to the server.
Reviewing The Source Code
At this point we could try to just bruteforce/dictionary attack the password live over the network with some simple scripting, but that is dangerous and could lead to failure, or even worse getting caught and/or IP banned. A better idea is to take a look at the source code for the server library, since it is open source, and see if we can leverage any information to help us authenticate or bypass authentication altogether. The server-features page lists some of the library features as well as how it authenticates clients. It lets us know that the client auth token is hashed with SHA-256 and the client IP address.
Let’s take a look at Auth.php in the server library and see exactly how this hashing scheme works.
namespace PhpConsole;
* PHP Console client authorization credentials & validation class
* @package PhpConsole
* @version 3.1
* @link http://consle.com
* @author Sergey Barbushin http://linkedin.com/in/barbushin
* @copyright © Sergey Barbushin, 2011-2013. All rights reserved.
* @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause "The BSD 3-Clause License"
* @codeCoverageIgnore
class Auth {
const PASSWORD_HASH_SALT = 'NeverChangeIt:)';
protected $publicKeyByIp;
protected $passwordHash;
* @param string $password Common password for all clients
* @param bool $publicKeyByIp Set public key depending on client IP
public function __construct($password, $publicKeyByIp = true) {
$this->publicKeyByIp = $publicKeyByIp;
$this->passwordHash = $this->getPasswordHash($password);
protected final function hash($string) {
return hash('sha256', $string);
* Get password hash like on client
* @param $password
* @return string
protected final function getPasswordHash($password) {
return $this->hash($password . self::PASSWORD_HASH_SALT);
* Get authorization result data for client
* @codeCoverageIgnore
* @param ClientAuth|null $clientAuth
* @return ServerAuthStatus
public final function getServerAuthStatus(ClientAuth $clientAuth = null) {
$serverAuthStatus = new ServerAuthStatus();
$serverAuthStatus->publicKey = $this->getPublicKey();
$serverAuthStatus->isSuccess = $clientAuth && $this->isValidAuth($clientAuth);
return $serverAuthStatus;
* Check if client authorization data is valid
* @codeCoverageIgnore
* @param ClientAuth $clientAuth
* @return bool
public final function isValidAuth(ClientAuth $clientAuth) {
return $clientAuth->publicKey === $this->getPublicKey() && $clientAuth->token === $this->getToken();
* Get client unique identification
* @return string
protected function getClientUid() {
$clientUid = '';
if($this->publicKeyByIp) {
if(isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
$clientUid .= $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
return $clientUid;
* Get authorization session public key for current client
* @return string
protected function getPublicKey() {
return $this->hash($this->getClientUid() . $this->passwordHash);
* Get string signature for current password & public key
* @param $string
* @return string
public final function getSignature($string) {
return $this->hash($this->passwordHash . $this->getPublicKey() . $string);
* Get expected valid client authorization token
* @return string
private final function getToken() {
return $this->hash($this->passwordHash . $this->getPublicKey());
Here we can see that it is using SHA-256 as well as a salt with a default value NeverChangeIt:), which is used by the getPasswordHash() function to create the passwordHash. It creates a publicKey by hashing the client IP address from getClientUid() combined with passwordHash in the function getPublicKey().
Cracking The Hash
If we input a test password then use the browser inspect feature to look at our request/response, we see that we get a php-console-client cookie with a base 64 value.
When we decode this value we see it contains both the auth publicKey and token. Since we know how the publicKey is constructed we can use our client IP address, the default salt, and a wordlist to perform an offline dictionary/bruteforce attack on this hash.
As long as the default salt has not been changed and the password can be found in a wordlist, we should be able to crack this hash and obtain the password that was used to construct it.
Here is a quick and dirty python script I wrote to perform this dictionary attack using the rockyou.txt wordlist.
"""Python script to crack php-console password."""
import hashlib
def crack():
"""Crack the thing."""
with open("rockyou.txt", "r", encoding="latin-1") as infile:
rockyou = infile.read().split()
salt = "NeverChangeIt:)".encode()
ip_address = "".encode()
pubkey = "814994779a2eb8f552b6b4fab5afbdfd14332bfc815afa250b6d1b33859a8b72"
for word in rockyou:
password = hashlib.sha256(word.encode() +
attempt = hashlib.sha256(ip_address + password).hexdigest()
print("TRYING: " + word + ":" + attempt)
if attempt == pubkey:
print("\nCRACKED!!\nLogin Password is: " + word)
except UnicodeDecodeError:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
if __name__ == "__main__":
Running it successfully rebuilds the hash with the word poohbear used as the password.
Now let’s use that password to log into the PHP Console.
The password is valid, allowing us to successfully authenticate and obtain the challlenge flag in a debug alert box!
We now have access to all the server-side features of the PHP Console!