Integration Engineer Interview Exercise

A solution for solving an API response parsing exercise given in an engineering interview.

March 23, 2023
Python | JavaScript


The Exercise

In a recent engineering interview I was given a somewhat dense API response JSON file and asked to write solutions in both Python and JavaScript/TypeScript for the following tasks:

  • Load data from JSON file.
  • Output the domain with the highest risk score and the domain with the lowest risk score (If tied use the first occurrence).
  • What’s the average of all the domain risk scores.
  • Print a list of unique IP addresses.
  • Tell me all the domains which contains “phishing” as one of its threats.


By manually inspecting the JSON file I found that the information I needed to gather was structured in the following representation:

  "response": {
    "results": [
        "domain": "string",
        "domain_risk": {
          "risk_score": "number",
          "components": [
              "name": "string"
        "ip": [
            "address": {
              "value": "string"

Python Solution

My Python solution code:


import json
from typing import Tuple, List, Dict
from statistics import mean

FILE_NAME = "some_dt_data_from_investigate.json"

SolutionReturnType = Tuple[List[Tuple[int, str]], List[str], Dict[str, str]]

def solution(file_name: str) -> SolutionReturnType:
    Function to parse investigation file, returning various

        file_name (str): File name of investigation file.

        A tuple containing three containers:
            1. A list of tuples, each containing a domain's risk
               score and name.
            2. A list of IP addresses extracted from the JSON data.
            3. A dictionary containing a domain name and it's associated
               phishing component.

    # Load data from JSON file.
    with open(file_name, "r", encoding='utf-8') as data_file:
        data = json.load(data_file)

    # Initialize empty containers.
    _scores: List[Tuple[int, str]] = []
    _ips: List[str] = []
    _phishing: Dict[str, str] = {}

    # Loop through results objects in JSON data.
    for result in data['response']['results']:

        # Append a tuple containing the domain's risk score and name to
        #   _scores list.
        _scores.append((result['domain_risk']['risk_score'], result['domain']))

        # Append each IP address to _ips list.
        for addresses in result['ip']:

        # Add a domain name and set it's phishing component to _phishing
        #   dictionary.
        for component in result['domain_risk']['components']:
            if 'phishing' in component['name']:
                _phishing[result['domain']] = component['name']

    # Return a tuple containing the _scores, _ips, and _phishing containers.
    return (_scores, _ips, _phishing)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    scores, ips, phishing = solution(FILE_NAME)

    # 1 #
    # Output the domain with the highest risk score and the domain with the
    #     lowest risk score (If tied use the first occurrence).
    print(max(scores, key=lambda x: x[0]))
    print(min(scores, key=lambda x: x[0]))

    # 2 #
    # What’s the average of all the domain risk scores.
    print(mean([i[0] for i in scores]))

    # 3 #
    # Print a list of unique IP addresses.

    # 4 #
    # Tell me all the domains which contains “phishing” as one of its threats.


(100, '')
(15, '')
{'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', '', '',
'', '', ''}
{'': 'threat_profile_phishing',
'': 'threat_profile_phishing',
'': 'threat_profile_phishing',
'': 'threat_profile_phishing',
'': 'threat_profile_phishing',
'': 'threat_profile_phishing',
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'': 'threat_profile_phishing',
'': 'threat_profile_phishing',
'': 'threat_profile_phishing',
'': 'threat_profile_phishing',
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'': 'threat_profile_phishing',
'': 'threat_profile_phishing',
'': 'threat_profile_phishing',
'': 'threat_profile_phishing',
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'': 'threat_profile_phishing',
'': 'threat_profile_phishing',
'': 'threat_profile_phishing',
'': 'threat_profile_phishing',
'': 'threat_profile_phishing',
'': 'threat_profile_phishing',
'': 'threat_profile_phishing',
'': 'threat_profile_phishing',
'': 'threat_profile_phishing'}

TypeScript Solution

My TypeScript solution code:

// solution.ts

const fileName: string = './some_dt_data_from_investigate.json';

interface InvestigationData {
  response: {
    results: {
      domain: string;
      domain_risk: {
        risk_score: number;
        components: {
          name: string;
      ip: {
        address: {
          value: string;

type solutionReturnType = [
  { [key: number]: string }[],
  { [key: string]: string }

 * Function to parse investigation file, returning various information.
 * @param {string} jsonDataFile - Name of JSON file containing investigation data.
 * @returns {solutionReturnType} - An array containing three arrays:
 *   1. An array of objects, each containing a domain's risk score and name.
 *   2. An array of IP addresses extracted from the JSON data.
 *   3. An object containing a domain name and it's associated phishing component.
 function solution(jsonDataFile: string): solutionReturnType {

  // Load data from JSON file.
   const data: InvestigationData = require(jsonDataFile);

   // Initialize empty arrays.
   const _scores: { [key: number]: string }[] = [];
   const _ips: string[] = [];
   const _phishing: { [key: string]: string } = {};

  // Loop through results objects in JSON Object.
  for (let result of data.response.results) {

    // Push an object containing the domain's risk score and name to _scores array.
    const domainScore = result.domain_risk.risk_score;
    const domainName = result.domain;
    _scores.push({[result.domain_risk.risk_score]: result.domain});

    // Push each IP address to _ips array.
    for (let addresses of result.ip) {

    // Push an object containing the domain name and it's phishing component to _phishing array.
    for (let component of result.domain_risk.components) {
      if ('phishing')) {
        _phishing[result.domain] =;

  // Return an array containing the _scores, _ips, and _phishing arrays.
  return [_scores, _ips, _phishing];

const [scores, ips, phishing] = solution(fileName);

// # 1 Output the domain with the highest risk score and the domain with the
//      lowest risk score (If tied the first occurrence).
let minKey: number | null = null;
let maxKey: number | null = null;
scores.reduce((_, obj) => {
  const key = parseInt(Object.keys(obj)[0]);
  if (maxKey === null || key > maxKey) {
    maxKey = key;
  if (minKey === null || key < minKey) {
    minKey = key;
  return null;
}, null);
console.log(scores.filter((obj) => parseInt(Object.keys(obj)[0]) === maxKey)[0]);
console.log(scores.filter((obj) => parseInt(Object.keys(obj)[0]) === minKey)[0]);

// # 2 What’s the average of all the domain risk scores
const nums = => parseInt(Object.keys(obj)[0]));
const sum = nums.reduce((acc, curr) => acc + curr);
console.log(sum / nums.length);

// # 3 Print a list of unique IP addresses.
console.log([... new Set(ips)]);

// # 4 Tell me all the domains which contains “phishing” as one of its threats.


{ '100': '' }
{ '15': '' }
  '',  '',    '',
  '',   '',  '',
  '',   '',  '',
  '',   '',  '',
  '',  '',  '',
  '',  '', '',
  '',  '',   '',
  '',    '',  '',
  '',   '', '',
  '', '',  '',
  '',  '',  '',
  '',   '',   '',
  '',   '',   '',
  '',  '',  '',
  '',  '',   '',
  '',   '',   '',
  '',  '', '',
  '', '',   '',
  '', '',  '',
  '',    '',   '',
  '',  '',   ''
  '': 'threat_profile_phishing',
  '': 'threat_profile_phishing',
  '': 'threat_profile_phishing',
  '': 'threat_profile_phishing',
  '': 'threat_profile_phishing',
  '': 'threat_profile_phishing',
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  '': 'threat_profile_phishing',
  '': 'threat_profile_phishing',
  '': 'threat_profile_phishing',
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  '': 'threat_profile_phishing',
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  '': 'threat_profile_phishing',
  '': 'threat_profile_phishing',
  '': 'threat_profile_phishing',
  '': 'threat_profile_phishing',
  '': 'threat_profile_phishing',
  '': 'threat_profile_phishing',
  '': 'threat_profile_phishing',
  '': 'threat_profile_phishing',
  '': 'threat_profile_phishing',
  '': 'threat_profile_phishing',
  '': 'threat_profile_phishing',
  '': 'threat_profile_phishing',
  '': 'threat_profile_phishing',
  '': 'threat_profile_phishing',
  '': 'threat_profile_phishing',
  '': 'threat_profile_phishing',
  '': 'threat_profile_phishing',
  '': 'threat_profile_phishing',
  '': 'threat_profile_phishing',
  '': 'threat_profile_phishing',
  '': 'threat_profile_phishing',
  '': 'threat_profile_phishing',
  '': 'threat_profile_phishing',
  '': 'threat_profile_phishing',
  '': 'threat_profile_phishing',
  '': 'threat_profile_phishing',
  '': 'threat_profile_phishing',
  '': 'threat_profile_phishing'


While not a particularly difficult exercise, the JSON file was fairly dense and it did seem very realistic and relevant considering the role that I was interviewing for. I was not able to complete the exercise within the designated time frame in the interview due to nervousness, but easily completed it after I had flunked the technical interview.

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